Refunds’ Policy

If the content you purchased does not meet your expectations, you have the option to request a refund within 60 days of the purchase date. 

We issue your refund as a reimbursement to your original payment method. 

Requests for refunds beyond the 60-day period will not be honored. 

Refunds may be honored within 14 days from receiving your request.

Once you’ve requested a refund, your account will be deleted and you will no longer be able to access your account any or content on the Site.

If you wish to request a refund, please follow these steps:

  • Log into your account on with your log in info (e-mail and password);
  • Go to the Help Section;
  • Find the Refund Button on the page and push the Refund button;
  • Fill in the information in the form, which appears on your screen after you push the Refund Button (first name, last name, your e-mail, the reason you want a refund);
  • Push the Request Refund Button.

At our discretion, if we suspect that you are misusing our refund policy, for example, if you have previously requested a refund for the same content, we reserve the right to deny your refund request. 

In such cases, we may restrict you from future refund requests, ban your account, and/or limit your access to the Services moving forward

If your account is banned or access to content is disabled due to a violation of our Terms, you will not be eligible for a refund.