Reduce Night Urination and Bladder Leakage Without Drugs

Today, I’m going to show you how to  Reduce Night Urination and Bladder Leakage without drugs, side effects and painful surgeries. 

Furthermore, in the next two minutes, I’m going to tell you about The 3 Most Common Root Causes of Frequent Urination that affect both men and women, no matter how old they are…

I'm not going to go into the deep theory. 

I want to focus on practical things you can do at home to help yourself feel better right now.

  • Powerful Herbal Remedies
  • Anti-Inflamatory Foods and
  • Good Habits to Start 

And if you want to:

  • Get rid of that feeling of urgency to go to the toilet,
  • Break free from incontinence pads, 
  • Reduce Frequent Urination and Sleep Better, and
  • Have better romantic encounters with your mate.

The next few minutes can really make a huge difference. You’ll discover how you can happily live without any frustrations.

About John R. Greenman

My name is John Ronald Greenman and I’ve been in your shoes… I know how urinary problems can disrupt your everyday life.

They ruin your work routine, interrupt your sleep, affect your sex life and even make you feel ashamed. 

My mom, after 2 natural births, couldn’t laugh or sneeze without urine leakage.

She wasn’t comfortable going out because she had to wear incontinence pads to avoid embarrassing accidents.

Urinary problems are not the problems of a certain generation. You can suffer from these at any age…

My wife, for example, suffered from intense urge and difficulty urinating.

She could spend even one hour just to initiate the flow and even then, she couldn’t completely empty her bladder.

You can imagine how life is for a sleep-deprived working woman and mother of three kids….

My dad has been suffering from an enlarged prostate since he was in his 40s.

My parents’ marriage took a hit because of this illness, which ended their sex life.

The 1st Root Cause of Frequent Urination, you’ve probably never thought about it

So, as promised, I am going to tell you the 1st root cause of frequent urination, which can keep you awake at night and can make you feel tired all day long. 

You’ve probably never thought about this, and it was under your radar…

I'm talking about High Blood Sugar, also known as Hyperglycemia, which is usually a symptom of Prediabetes and Diabetes. 

What you might not know is that even people without Diabetes can have High Blood Sugar as a result of a bad diet.

This is the reason why even if you don’t have Diabetes, you might struggle with frequent night urination, fatigue during the day and always feeling thirsty… 

The first step you should take is a medical check-up to test your blood sugar level. You need to make sure that High Blood Sugar is the cause you need to solve.

The Gluco-Shake to Reduce Frequent Urination and regulate Blood Sugar Levels

The next thing I recommend is drinking The Gluco-Shake to reduce Frequent Urination and regulate Blood Sugar Levels. 

It’s so easy to make! You just need a blender to mix ingredients like 2 carrots, 2 stalks of celery, 2 green apples, 3 handfuls of spinach leaves and 1 cup of water.

It’s time for the Gluco-Shake to become part of your morning routine!

The food you eat has a direct impact on your blood sugar level.

So it’s in your own hands to control blood sugar levels. 

By the end of this presentation, I will tell you where you can find the complete list of all Foods Strongly Recommended for lowering your blood sugar, preventing and even reversing diabetes.

1 Powerful Herbal Remedy helps Eliminate Urine and Increases Male Virility

But right now, I’m going to show you 1 Powerful Herbal Remedy you should try if you have High Blood Sugar.

This has been traditionally used to regulate blood sugar.

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, Goat’s Rue reduces the risk of diabetes and its complications.

The plant has a high content of tannins, flavonoids, and chromium, which have beneficial properties for the body in general. 

It helps eliminate water and Increases male virility.

Goat's Rue infusion is a good natural aphrodisiac because it increases blood circulation in the genital area, supporting erection. 

At the right time, I’ll tell you where you can find this plant in nature, how to harvest it and how to use it as a Powerful Remedy. 

With 2 -3 cups of Goat's Rue infusion daily, you can say goodbye to sudden spikes in your blood sugar and keep it at a normal level.

The 2nd Root Cause of Urinary Problems...

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are most commonly caused by bacterial infections in the urinary tract.

The symptoms of UTI can disturb your life and cause you pain. 

Because of UTIs, you can experience a burning sensation when urinating and feel like you always need to go to the bathroom.

Frequent urination takes away the pleasure of going out with friends and night urination makes you feel tired all the time.

If the condition gets more serious, you can even get blood in your urine, fever and chills.

The first thing you can do is take a urine test to see if you have a UTI. 

If the test comes back positive for UTI, you should know you have the power to begin treating yourself right away.

Get rid of Night Urination with this delicious Berry Bliss Smoothie!

Fight Urinary Tract Infections naturally with nutritious foods, soothing drinks, and healthy habits. 

Add the Miracle Antibacterial Smoothie to your diet to inhibit bacteria growth in the urinary tract! 

Get rid of night urination with this delicious Berry Bliss Smoothie!

As you can guess from the name, it’s made from berries such as: cranberries and blueberries. 

Just half a cup of each. Add 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt, 1/2 cup unsweetened cranberry juice and 1/2 cup water or coconut water. Drizzle a bit of honey and ice cubes to get a delicious drink!

It’s been proven that cranberries and blueberries contain compounds that can help prevent bacteria from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract, reducing the risk of UTIs.

Foods rich in probiotics, such as yogurt and kefir, can promote a healthy balance of bacteria in the gut and urinary tract, reducing the risk of infections.

Enjoy this refreshing and nutritious Smoothie as part of a balanced diet to support Urinary Tract Health.

Why antibiotics don’t work…

Sadly, more often than necessary, doctors prescribe antibiotics.

When antibiotics are used excessively, bacteria can develop resistance to them.

This happens because the bacteria that survive the antibiotic treatment are the ones that have developed a resistance to it. 

Over time, these resistant bacteria can multiply and spread, making the antibiotic less effective.

So start turning your attention to the Healing Power of Nature.

Talk to your doctor about the possibility of getting better with herbal remedies.

In the next few seconds, I’ll tell you about one Herbal Remedy made from a plant that many consider just pretty, but tend to disregard the fact that it’s also a Powerful Natural Remedy.

This Prety Flower helps you Reduce the Pain and Burning Sensation when urinating

I’m talking about Marigolds…the pretty yellow flowers that grow in the garden.

Calendula officinalis (commonly known as Marigolds) has beneficial effects on UTIs, mainly due to its properties.

It has antifungal, antibacterial and healing properties.

With the power of this herbal remedy, you can Reduce the Pain and Burning Sensation when urinating. 

2-3 cups a day of calendula tea can help you beat the UTI. 

To make 1 cup you need 2 teaspoons of dried marigold flowers infused in 1 cup of water.

The 3rd Root Cause of Frequent Urination, which affects millions of men every day

This is more often encountered in men over 45, but in some cases, even younger males suffer from it. 

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) makes you feel a frequent urge to urinate, especially at night (Nocturia).

This is a men’s health problem, but it affects women too because it is a real issue for a couple’s life. 

The enlarged prostate gland applies pressure on the urethra, hindering the smooth flow of urine from the bladder. 

Because of this, the bladder contracts more often, making men with Enlarged prostate feel the need to urinate frequently … even when the bladder isn't packed to capacity.

Some people’ve tried certain types of drugs to shrink the prostate and allow a better flow, but you should be concerned about taking unnecessary medication.

The downside of the surgical way…

Also, there are literally a dozen or more ways to open up the prostate in a surgical way. For example:

  • it can be carved out using electrocautery or 
  • Lasers can be used to open it up.

All these solutions have their pros and cons, so that's something to talk to your urologist about.

The downside is that once the prostate is opened, you lose ejaculation…  

This happens because when the prostate squeezes for ejaculation, it has to be able to squeeze closed.

Rekindle The Joy in The Bedroom with this Anti-inflamatory Smoothie!

The good news is that I’ll share with you Proven Remedies to reduce trips to the bathroom and urine leaks. 

This will help you rediscover the pleasure of intimacy with your loved one and rekindle the joy in the bedroom!

Shrink your prostate and Alleviate Urinary Issues with this Anti-inflammatory Smoothie. It will improve your urine flow and reduce urinary frequency and urgency.

It has ingredients that Mother Nature designed to reduce inflammation: berries, avocado, flaxseed and some more.

You’ll just need to invest 5 minutes of your time. Your body will thank you!

Furthermore, I will uncover...

2 Powerful Herbal Remedies Mother Nature gave us to help with Enlarged Prostate.

This remedy has anti-inflammatory properties, such as fatty acids and phytosterols, that reduce inflammation in the prostate gland and alleviate associated symptoms.

It helps relax and smooth muscle tissue in the prostate and bladder, leading to improved urinary flow and reduced symptoms.

Due to its therapeutic properties, saw palmetto tea is often suggested as a natural remedy for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

Infuse for 10 minutes 1 tablespoon of dried saw palmetto berries in one cup of water. Start drinking 2 cups a day for the first week to give your body time to adjust to the remedy.

Nettle root tea may improve urinary flow rate and reduce residual urine volume in individuals with BPH. 

By increasing urine flow and bladder emptying, nettle root tea may help alleviate urinary symptoms and improve the quality of life for those affected by BPH. 

So, after seeing how urinary problems affect millions of men and women, I decided to take matters into my own hands…

I was set on finding natural ways and staying away from drugs with side effects and painful surgeries.

I gathered around me a team who shared my passion for Natural Remedies and had firsthand experience of the damage urinary problems can do to one's life.

So, I hope to get to the root of many of these issues and be able to change your lifestyle in a positive way.  

I wish to provide you Powerful Herbal Remedies and healthy foods that help you: 

  • Reduce inflammation and pain during urination,
  • Stop looking for a toilet everywhere you go and
  • Get your social life back again.

Having these in mind, I’ve built a special place on the Internet,  Urinary Remedies Program

Here you’ll find an exclusive Program to help you  Solve Urinary Health Problems without drugs and surgeries.

Here is just a glimpse of The Natural Remedies you will find in this Program:

An infusion from Valerian Root and Common Hop guarantees a restful night’s sleep without endless trips to the toilet.

Both herbs have mild sedative effects, which help calm the nervous system and induce feelings of relaxation. 

Having anxiety-reducing properties, this infusion contributes to a more peaceful state of mind.

Discover the Best Diet Tips to Regulate Your Bowel Movements and Get Rid of Urinary Frequency

Few people know that there is a direct link between constipation and urinary problems.

Constipation increases pressure on the bladder because of the accumulation of poop in the colon, causing it to expand.

This leads to symptoms such as urinary urgency, frequency, and even urinary incontinence.

This Program offers Miracle Herbs to alleviate Incontinence caused by Stres

Find out how to prepare the most relaxing bath with Rosemary's help.

Rosemary has soothing properties that can help relax the mind and body, promoting a sense of calmness and reducing stress levels.

Get rid of the extra pounds with the delicious Tropical Spice Fat Burner!

A mix of fruits, vegetables and spices and you’ll find out exactly how to make it.

Gaining a few extra pounds, especially around the belly, can significantly increase the chances of urinary incontinence.

The excess weight in the abdominal area adds pressure to the bladder and weakens the pelvic floor.

This makes bladder leaks more common.

Reduce Pelvic Pain and Frequent Urination with Powerful Remedies

Discover how to shrink your prostate with Smallflower Hairy Willowherb Infusion.

Enlarged prostate is not just a man's problem. It affects women too, because it damages a couple's intimate life.

You can easily Reduce Pelvic Pain and Frequent Urination with the Powerful Herbal Antibiotics in the Program

Say goodbye to constantly checking for nearby toilets when going out with friends!

3 Bad Habits you need to break to solve your urinary problems

Drinking alcohol,  smoking and eating too much sugar are 3 bad habits you need to break if you want to solve your urinary problems. 

We’ll help you through this difficult process and make you win the battle with these addictions... 

Discover 3 non-alcoholic drinks that will reduce your alcohol cravings! 

This is just a taste of what's to come…

To sum it up, The Urinary Remedies Program has:

  • Powerful, easy-to-make  Herbal Remedies
  • Healthy Shakes, Smoothies and  Meals,  
  • List of foods you should avoid depending on your medical condition 

On top of that, for each medical condition, you will have a list of: 

  • Good Habits to Start and
  • Bad Habits to Break.

We’ll be by your side all the way through…You can ask for help and we’ll be there for you

Each page of our Online Program, Urinary Remedies, will have a comments section where you can write to us if you need guidance…

You can find the right remedies for you using the root problems index or simply by searching for your problems in the search bar available on each page of the Program…

Step-by-step instructions on How to Prepare your Herbal Remedies

For each medicinal herb, you will find everything you need to know: 

  • why it works, 
  • where to find it, 
  • how to identify it, 
  • how to harvest and store it, and, most importantly, 
  • how to make powerful remedies according to your own medical conditions… 

I will give you step-by-step instructions on how to prepare your herbal remedies and how to take them.

All of these are 

  • written in a common language, easy to understand for everyone, 
  • with a nice and clean structure, 

Gathered in this Urinary Remedies Online Program.

This is the only specialized solution on the internet that helps you to:

  • Reduce night urination and sleep better,
  • Get rid of that feeling of urgency to go to the toilet and
  • Take back control of your life…

At this time, you might ask yourself if you should give it a try.

Let’s see what other options you have… 

The first option you have is:

Drugs - but most of the time, the prescribed medication comes with a lot of side effects.

Even worse, medication can temporarily relieve the symptoms, but in the long run, pills can not solve the root problems…

The second option is surgeries - in some cases, these are indicated, but come with their downsides: pain and long recovery periods…

Besides, the cost of medication and medical services is getting higher every day…
According to the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, Americans spend, on average, about $1,200 each year on prescription drugs.

Urinary Remedies Program is affordable even for those on a tight budget…

So, you can have access to the Online Program I’ve created, Urinary Remedies, for a price of $58 $ 37, one-time payment, and you will get:

  • Immediate access to your account after you complete the checkout process, 
  • Lifetime access to this Program,
  • Free updates and
  • You will be part of our community, where we can work together to solve your urinary problems.

The great news is that you can get all of these for a Special Price of 58 $37

This Special Price is available only for the first months.

All you need to do is click on the Add to Cart button,  fill in the checkout form, and Start Changing your life right away!

Here's how easy you can use this Program

You can access this Program 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, wherever you are, on the website

After you complete the order form, the login details will be posted on the thank you page. You will also receive an email with the login details for your records.

You can access this program on your mobile, tablet, or laptop. 

We made things easy for you and we’ll be here to support you at your request…

You’ll get for free all the updates to this Program…

Updates of this Program…

Speaking about the Updates of this Program…

I want to tell you that we are currently working on a very efficient Self-Massage Section. This will be available in the next few months and it will help you:

  • reduce the frequency of urination overall, 
  •  Empty your bladder and
  •  Reduce pain during urination.


I will include another Future Update, which you will also get for free, with easy-to-do Pelvic Floor Efficient Exercises for men and women no matter how old they are, which can help you:

  • Activate your pelvic floor muscles and
  • Reduce Bladder Leakages and Frequent Urination.

 So, ordering the Urinary Remedies Program can really make a huge difference in your life:

  • Reduce night urination and Sleep better, 
  • Have better romantic encounters with your mate,
  • Stop looking for a toilet everywhere you go and
  • Take back control of your life.

All you need to do is click on the Add to Cart button,  fill in the checkout form, and Start Changing your life right away!

This Program has already been tested by men and women of different ages.  Here's what they say…

Linda, 50 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

You have no idea how much you've helped my husband with his prostate issue. And along with him, our relationship 💌😘. I am in charge of preparing the recipes, which are easy to make… SOOO useful, with just the right amount of detail. Bless you!

Patricia, 65 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

7 months ago, I was diagnosed with Diabetes and was hospitalized due to my kidney problems. I changed my diet thanks to this program. I took a chance and have not missed a day of your recommendations. Last week, my doctor was astonished by my latest lab results. 

Mary, 35 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I‘m happy to be part of this community! This really works for my recurring UTI. I've been struggling with it for over a year. I follow your recommendations, and I've reduced my pill intake!  Thank you! God bless!

Robert, 62 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I barely got any sleep because of the urge to pee every half an hour, and the pain used to kill me. With your program, I discovered my health problems. I got some kidney stones. Thank you so much for your advice and information. Because of you, I changed my habits. And works like magic!

James, 58 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

About a year ago, I started to have dribbling problems after peeing. Your sitting down routine is working wonders. It's great not to have urinary dribble, not to mention the feelings of shame and embarrassment.  So, huge thanks for this.

Susan, 45 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Can't thank you enough for the Best Advice I found here❤️🙏. I started drinking apple cider vinegar and cranberry juice when my urine test showed infection.  Now my itching is gone and I got rid of the burning sensation when I pee. I’ll keep following you!

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain

And to prove this to you one more time, I will give you a 60-day money-back guarantee… 

I’m so confident that our solution will work that I agree to refund all the money within 60 days from the moment you place the order—no questions asked…

All you need to do is fill in the refund form on the website and we’ll refund the entire amount. 

Now, it’s your turn… Nobody should care more about your health than you

I believe I’ve done my part… I put on the table all I’ve got for you…

Now, it’s your turn...You can’t expect different results by doing the same things.

Nobody should care more about your health than you.

 I can guarantee the $57 $37 Special Price, one-time payment, only for this moment. 

So, this is your last chance to join the Urinary Remedies Program and this Great community.

You will get:

  • Instant access to your account after you complete the checkout process,
  • Lifetime access to this Program, 24/7, wherever you are
  • All the updates to this Program for free…
  • 60-day money-back guarantee.

All you need to do is click on the Add to Cart button!

I hope to see you soon in the Program!